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Hamstring Tendinopathy

Cover for Alliance Blog on Tendon approach and healing

Tendonitis? How To Overcome It and How We Approach Tendon Injuries

Introduction At Alliance Regen and Rehab, we follow an innovative, research-backed tendon repair model that helps patients recover from tendinopathy and chronic tendon injuries. Our approach focuses on tissue remodeling, progressive loading, and regenerative treatments to promote long-term healing rather than temporary relief. We utilize a three-step process to accurately diagnose, treat, and prevent tendon […]

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A young man and woman playing pickleball on a sunny court, with an illustration of a human ankle and the seminar title "pickleball and tendon health: how Alliance Regen & Rehab can help

Pickleball And Tendon Health: How Alliance Regen & Rehab Can Help

Pickleball is a popular sport among active older adults that encourages competition, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and fosters sociability. However, this low-impact racquet sport can also impact the health of your tendons. In this article, we will discuss the importance of tendon health and how Alliance Regen and Rehabilitation can help you maintain it while

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