Scar Tissue Release in St. Petersburg

Scar Tissue = Dysfunctional Tissue
After an injury or an incision, such as with surgery, scar tissue develops during the “healing” of that wound. In some instances this dysfunctional tissue does not pose a problem, but many times it does. The effects may manifest as pain, burning, restriction in motion, weakness or impaired contractility of the muscle.
How Does Scar Tissue Affect Function?
Scar tissue is commonly identified as a source of pain or dysfunction. Sometimes it may be found in areas of known injury, or in areas of chronic pain and instability where through a detailed history, some sort of injury can be traced back…sometimes decades. Many times the injury may not have been perceived as significant and was forgotten about, until over time the scar tissue that developed became a pain generator. In other situations, that chronic pain just became “part of” the patient’s pain and story and was something they lived with and may not even know why.

Don't Be "Stuck" With Scar Tissue
Scar tissue can be identified using ultrasound and treated if it is determined to be a contributing factor in pain or dysfunction. This thick, fibrotic, non-contractile tissue is arranged in a disorganized pattern that becomes adhered, or stuck, to surrounding healthy tissues. When this happens, those healthy tissues do not function properly. Using ultrasound guidance we are able to hydrodrodissect and debride this unhealthy tissue, thereby creating avenues for improved pain, function and repair.
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