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The resiliency runner's formula.

The Resilient Runner’s Formula

If you’re reading this and you’ve seen the blog on the Runner’s Pyramid, then fantastic!! If not, go and check that one out!!

The “Runner’s Journey” is related to the Runner’s Pyramid but this blog’s purpose is to give more of an outline on the necessary steps, the 9-steps to be specific, on how you can go from a runner who is injured and missing runs to a runner who runs when he/she wants, stays on track with their program, participates in races, and feels confident in their body!

One of the biggest mistakes runners make when deciding on getting help for their injury or when trying to work on their running fitness is not starting by getting a run-specific assessment with a provider who truly understands them. I’m talking about getting with someone who understands runners and understands the demands, movements, and strategies it takes to put yourself in the best position to run strong and efficiently, while also lowering your risk missing the racing season due to injury!

The second mistake that tends to happen in a runner’s journey to overcoming injury is being “discharged” from treatment or their program before ever getting to the ultimate goal. Some physical therapy clinics will simply discharge you once your pain subsides or when it hits 0/10 on the pain scale. In other cases, they may even discharge you because insurance will not cover enough visits to get you to your desired end-goal – leaving you with an increased chance to fall back into that rollercoaster stage or even injured stage on the pyramid. The topic of letting insurance dictate your health is a different conversation for a different day!

The third mistake is not having a proven plan that works. Too many times runners think that running doesn’t require strength training, that if they can run they are strong enough to run, or that they’ll spontaneously avoid injuries without doing anything besides running. Or maybe they will aimlessly try to employ strength and mobility workouts without much guidance or much strategic planning at all – either by themselves or by trainers/coaches that don’t have the experience or expertise in this area. (This is where I’ll recommend that you just be mindful of who you get your advice and guidance. Find the expert in your area you need help with. In most cases, a running technique coach won’t be able to give you sound strength training guidance, and a fitness/medical professional won’t be able to give as good of running programing as someone who is a running coach.)

At Alliance Regen and Rehab, these are three things we absolutely focus on and aim to be experts at! You’ll get the most comprehensive running assessment in the Tampa Bay Area, you’ll get a detailed plan that is specific to you, and you also won’t have to worry about being discharged early or being led in things that we are not experts at! We put you in the best position to be successful because if you’re not – then it seriously keeps us up at night! If we can’t help you in an area, we will find someone in our trusted network to connect you with!

If you’re curious about how this 9-step formula looks for you and your journey, we’d be more than happy to set up a free strategy call. Let’s see where you are and where you’re looking to go, and perhaps find a way to get there together! Follow the link below!



1. This 9-step formula is not only for injured runners. It is both injured and non-injured runners who want to go from injury-riddled or constantly plateaued to supremely confident and consistently improving in their runs.

2. Find the expert in running, running injuries, and running fitness that you can trust.

3. Make sure you aren’t “discharged” or that you don’t stop too early when trying to come back from injury.

4. Don’t be fooled by a plan that hasn’t been shown to work. Make sure to find a plan that is comprehensive, individualized, and proven!