If you’re a runner, you’ve might at least spent some time thinking about running form. You’ve also might have experienced some sort of pain, injury, and time away from running. If so, you’ve might have noticed your running form change a bit because of the pain. This can lead to bad habits that can make you more prone to injuries in the future.
This is just one reason why a running analysis is so important for every runner….so let us as you a few questions!
Have you have received a video running analysis?
Have you ever been to physical therapy, started working on your fitness, or had some other medical procedure, but you got frustrated because they just “didn’t get you” or because you just weren’t getting anywhere?
One of the missing links could be a video running analysis, and that is why we do them here at Alliance Regen & Rehab for every single one of our running clients. Whether you’re working on a running injury or working on your running fitness, a video running analysis is one of the first steps in determining the best plan to help you achieve your running and fitness goals. They are vital in the process of getting to where you are now and where you want to be!
So What Exactly Is A Video Running Analysis?
A video running analysis is a really in-depth look into YOUR running form – specifically how your body moves as you are running, how you’re stabilizing yourself, which muscles may not be working, which run characteristics are beneficial, and ones are hurting in your running efficiency, and which may be making you more prone to injury!
How Is It Performed?
First, we take a look at the wear pattern of your shoes to see if there are any abnormal-looking patterns on either shoe. Next, we break out the video camera, tape you up, and then begin to film your run in 3 main views. These views are always done outside and occasionally done on a treadmill for specific needs.
- Front view.
- Back view
- Side View
In some situations, we dive a little deeper and get views mainly at your feet, or at your knees, or at your hips.
These different views are essential in helping see things such as hip drop angle, pronation angle, stride length, and forward momentum angles. Don’t worry… we break each of those these down and show you exactly what these are and how to improve them if needed.
Point is that all of these things are valuable in determining your best running form to keep you efficient, healthy, and running for a long time!
Ever Thought About Running With Your Shoes Off?
Sometimes, we even have you run without your shoes!! WHAT?! Again, don’t worry….. this is not done outside! The barefoot running video shows us how well your feet and ankle are working without the support of shoes!! So if you’re thinking about those minimalist shoes, you may want to make sure your feet and body can handle them!!
Do You Just Film My Run During The Analysis?
No actually. That is why we have something called a Medical Running Analysis. During this analysis, we take a look at both your run and perform a very comprehensive running fitness evaluation taking a look at your movement patterns, muscle balance, ranges of motion, and flexibility.
Check Out This Example!
You can see in the pictures above that there are various lines and angles. These are hip drop, trunk side bending, and knee angle measurements. One of these angles are considered dysfunctional and need to be addressed. They are essentially 8 degrees on the left and 17 degrees on the right. Can you guess which one is the one that needs to be corrected???
So, How Do You Go About Getting A Running Analysis?
This answer is simple, the easiest way to go about getting a running analysis is the following…
1. Schedule a Call with Dr. Brian Broussard to get you penciled in for your Running Analysis! Schedule HERE
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